future is ritual — zainab


Water Teachings

The teachings on these recordings come from a variety of sources. I’ve had a smattering of beginner teachings from the Midewin Society, Longhouse Faithkeepers, singing teachers, my curanderismo training, and many Elders I’ve intersected with in my journeys. I had a wonderful opportunity to learn from presenters at a Water themed Indigenous Women’s Conference that took place at Trent U a few years ago. I presented at that conference and also got to hear from a variety of knowledge keepers from many communities across Turtle Island. In addition, I’ve had my own Spirit teachings, that have come directly from my experiences with water and with ceremony. What I share is an amalgam of the knowledge and wisdom that has come to me from all these sources.

Thank you,
Zainab Amadahy

Water Science

Spiritual Water Teachings

science of sacred sites

love letter to my gender fluid siblings


Interview with Zainab

  • Transcription goes here



How we experience the events of our lives depends on the stories we tell ourselves. Storytelling is powerfully transformative. Zainab tells stories that imagine futures of expanded wellness, consciousness and wisdom where interconnections with Earth and our Relatives are embodied  by humanity. She has authored nonfiction and futurist fiction. Currently, Zainab serves on the Councils of Muskrat Magazine and the Children’s Peace Theatre. She has a multiracial background that includes African American, European, Tsalagi and Seminole. Her work in the community has involved Indigenous knowledge reclamation, promoting curanderismo, non profit housing, women’s services, migrant settlement and community arts.