we are an ecosystem of nomadic and diasporic scarborough-rooted artists engaging the arts to catalyze legacies of regenerative consciousness and creative resilience

we engage with living arts
as embodied practices of ritual, storytelling, and rites of passage in this time of deep social and ecological transformation



we facilitate innovation, experimentation, research, creation, presentation, community transformation, care and healing through the arts with the purpose of empowering artists to express their highest potential in service of regenerative and resilient cultures

the living arts


the living arts 〰️

refers to the whole spectrum of vital creative practices that form our galaxy of creation
beyond colonial constructions of Art, inclusive of cooking, cleaning, growing, birth work, spirit work, ceremony, earthwork, and the respectful kinship/stewardship with the land


Our 2020-2025 thematic focus is on ritual, altars, sacred geometry, and musically-driven work that centers collaborative and experimental processes
