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Artist Invocation | DAMBANA


Altars. Ancestors. Art. Climate Care. Land Stewardship.

Applications Due May 3rd 2023
Application Here

Dambana is a Scarborough-based creative development and leadership program calling in a core team of 5 BIPOC Scarborough-rooted youth artists (aged 15-30) interested in rituals of creative, spiritual, social, and environmental enchantment and stewardship. Co-creators receive an honorarium of $1200.

This program is guided and facilitated in collaboration with the Scarborough Museum. Over 4 months and 10 workshops, participants will contribute to cultivating transformative storytelling and artistic leadership skills with Dambana participants.

From May to September, creators will cultivate creative leadership and development skills as artist-educators and curators through collaborative and experimental art and altar making, place-based relationship-building, and climate/land stewardship.

The goal of Dambana is to facilitate art-creation that honours our unique and collective creation stories, engaging storytelling that stewards relational and environmental healing.

Many thanks to the Toronto Arts Council and the Scarborough Museum for your support for Dambana